Explore the following countries/regions:
Lasting one month or longer
- China Done: 2013/06
- New Zealand
- Thailand
- Germany
- Ireland, Scotland, and England
- Iceland
Tour the following cities:
Spending a few days to a week
- Venice
- Paris
- London
- Rome
- Tokyo
- Hong Kong
- Dublin
- Jerusalem
- Boston Done: 2017/06
- New York Done: 2016/06
- San Francisco Done: 2019/08
- Seattle Done: 2012/07
- Vancouver
- Chicago
- Las Vegas Done: 2013/01
Take the following long-term trips:
Taking anywhere from a month to a year or more
- Coast-to-coast trip across United States
- Explore South America (Brazil, Peru, Argentica, etc.)
- Travel through Baltic countries such as Estonia, Sweden, and Finland
- Explore Africa (unsure which parts yet)
Acquire the following skills/knowledge:
- Fluent Spanish In Progress
- A martial art
- Surfing Done: 2019/08
- Drums Done: 2004/08
- Dancing well
- Snowboarding Done: 2001/11
- Singing well In Progress
- Golf Done: 2013/03
- Guitar In Progress
- Piano
- Flying first class
- Planting and maintaining a garden
- Snowboarding/skiing outside of North America
- Helicopter skiing
- Yellowstone National Park
- Rock climbing, on real rocks Done: 2018/08
- Living in Colorado for at least a year Done: 2022/11
- Dining alone at a restaurant Done: 2013/07
- Wine sampling Done: 2019/08
- Working for/on an agriculture co-op
- Sky diving Done: 2019/06
- Bungee jumping
- Seeing Cirque du Soleil
- Attending Burning Man
- Attending SXSW
- Going skinny-dipping Done: 2019/06
- Attending Lollapalooza
- Thoroughly enjoying what I do for a living Done: 2016/10
- Attending DEMF Done: 2007-8-9/05
- Taking an overnight camping trip by canoe/kayak Done: 2016/06
- Recording an album of my own music
- Hiking in a rainforest
- Being a bartender
- Being a ski/snowboard instructor Done: 2007-8-9/12
- Getting a professional, full-body massage Done: 2016/02
- Getting a manicure/pedicure
- Seeing Aurora Borealis
- Seeing Daft Punk live
- Becoming a ski bum for a full season
- Finishing a marathon
- Owning my own business that generates money (almost made it in 2011)
- Earning a University degree Done: 2013/05
- Speaking in front of a large audience (200+)
- A location-independent income Done: 2016/10
- Adopting a vegan diet for 30 days
- Owning my own house Done: 2014/10
- Going 30 days without complaining once
- Writing a book
- Going 30 days without caffeine or alcohol Done: 2022/01
- Becoming financially independent
- Writing my will

William A. Novak